

Where everydays a weekend!

My weekend started early this weekend. 
Thursday I made a trip to Hendersonville to see one of my bestestttt friends, Karen. 
I left about 7, and what was supposed to be an hour and a half drive turned into a 2.5 hour one.... yeaaahhhh..
Let's thank Google maps for that one. 
I FINALLLLY got to her house and went and said hey to everyone. 
We got ready and went to Drifter's.
This place had these ahhhh-mazing nacho's that me, Karen and Amber demolished.
If you're ever in East Nashville, go to Drifter's. It will not disappoint. 
After that we all headed back to Karens and laughed until we cried. I think I got a six pack just laying there,
not kidding...
Anywayssss, we woke up the next day and took Karens sister lunch at school...
the same school Taylor Swift went to, but that's besides the point. 
After, we woke Amber up and headed back to Nashville. We sat in traffic LITERALLY for an hour. Stand still. 
It was 4:30. We were dumb. 
We finally got to Nashville and it was dark. I had to go to the bathroom SUPER bad at this point, so we went into Urban Outfitters (amazing store, btw) and their bathroom was for employee's only. 
So, we ran around downtown trying to find a bathroom. 
Let me just say it is 30 degrees, dark, and raining at this point. 
We get to a coffee shop and there was a bathroom in there...
*angels singing*
But when I walked to the door there were big black words:
Are you kidding me? 
I just hiked a mile through downtown to get to a coffee shop to find out we had to buy a five dollar coffee to even USE the bathroom. 
Sheesh, it was too much at this point.
So, there we are... in a coffee shop... about to pee our pants.  I was cranky, cold and my bladder was hurting.
We bought a 5 dollar coffee and went to the bathroom. 
A 5 dollar trip to the bathroom!?
C'mon now.
Really, my tea was only a dollar.. but thats beside the point. ;) 
I still paid to go to the bathroom. 
Then, we had to hike a mile back across downtown to get to Karens car, and back home we went..
but oh wait...
Traffic, again.
So we sit, and sit and sit.....
and finally, I see the glorious green sign.
Praise Jesus.
After a much eventful day, I head back home. 
On the way home I called my other best friend Molly. 
I said "hey, let's go get me a tattoo" 
She said "OKAY!" 
So, off we went.
I got in there, filled out my paper work, paid for my tattoo, and went into the room. 
At this point, I was scared. I hate needles.
Then I heard the drill. IT. HURT. 
Actually, the word hurt is an understatement. I was sick and pale. I thought I was going to pass out.
Please remind me why this was a good idea. 
Well, it was, because it turned out SUPER cute.
Yessss, so cute :) 
I stayed with Molly last night. 
We watched Harry Potter, and if you all know, I do not like any of those movies one bit. 
So to sleep my little body went. 
I woke up this morning, went and got a pedi, and came home super relaxed. I'm now in pajama's catching up on all your blogs.

Hope you all had a good week as well! 


Always and Sometimes.

Today I'm linking up with Mackey Madness with her new link-up series called Always/Sometimes.
It looked like a cute little link-up (and easy for my first one) so I decided to join. 
Go over to her blog and see what everyone else has to say :)

Sometimes people tell me my younger sister looks older than me.
Always I just smile and accept it.
Sister is on the left! YES, I AM older :)

Sometimes I like to eat anything and everything in sight.
Always I think it will not be good when I step on the scale.

Sometimes I want to save every paycheck and not spend any money.
Always am I broke before payday again.

Sometimes do I get cranky at anyone and everyone.
Always do I feel bad about it later.

That was fun! I will most likely do it again next week. Go link up with her! 
loooove, peyt



When I was little I couldn't WAIT for December.
Why you ask?
Because it was that much closer to Christmas and lights and snow.
And now that I'm in college?
I still can't wait for December. 
The month of December is different than every other month. It brings so much joy into families and their homes.
I love the lights. I love the snow. I love the giving. (and receiving) Don't lie! You like it too!
I love my Lord Jesus. I love my family. 
The list could go on and on and on.

A couple days ago we had our FIRST snow of the winter. 
I'm a bad blogger and didn't get any pictures of it, and pretty much slept until it melted. But schools got out at one o' clock for it. Needless to say, there were some happy schools out there.
Now they're saying we are predicted a WHITE Christmas. I have never ever ever seen a white Christmas until I was the lovely age of 17. Sad, right? Yes!
 This December has been a good one so far. 
Oh and one more thing... 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 
Christmas is in 14 days!!!
Do you HEAR me?! F O U R T E E N D A Y S.Seriously? Can you believe it.
I feel like we were just celebrating last Christmas. Where did this year go? 
I really need to go Christmas shopping. I haven't bought anything.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone. 
I will be the girl who runs around like a mad lady on Christmas Eve getting my shopping done. 
I'm such a procrastinator.
love love! 
Merry Christmas :)


It's the happiest season of all...

I don't have the words to describe this "wedding." So I am going to get right to the pictures and let you experience the joy of this amazingness for yourself!

Brilliant, I tell you. The photographer Beatrice de Guigne did this in a series of 3 days.
 Beatrice told Rock n Roll Bride: “Barbie & Ken were married at Faraway Castle, in Plasticity. The bride bought her dress from The Fairy Godmother shop and her shoes from the Cinderella Store. The groom wore a suit from The Prince Charming Emporium. The couple met more than 50 years ago (yes I know they look young). Barbie was tired of waiting so she asked Ken to get married.”
Is this not genius? Seriously, it's fantastic. 
Who else is impressed?!



With Thanksgiving coming up I've decided to dedicate a blog with what I am thankful for this season.
I am thankful for... 
  • Wonderful parents who love and support me and put food on the table and a roof over my head. 
  • A boyfriend who is my best friend, companion and my go-to guy when things get rough.
  • A best friend who knows absolutely everything about me and still doesn't judge.
  • Two beautiful sisters and a brother-in-law who keep me encouraged on the daily.
  • My job. Sometimes that place can stress me out but I'm glad I have a job.
  • My sweet little fur babies. They listen and THANK GOD they can't talk ;) hahaha kidding.
  • A CAR. Hahah, where would I be without that thing?!
The last one may seem a bit shallow, but for realllll, cars are something to be thankful for! 
You need something to get you from point A to point B. and sometimes C if you need to go there, :)
Hope you guys had a good weekend, <3



Catchin' up on Zzz's..

So, this morning I get a text from my sweet sister, Bethany, saying...
"I'll be there soon, and when Reagan wakes up we are making puppy chow and donut holes!" 
Yuuuummm.... but have I gone up there yet? No. 
Do I want all these sweet treats? Yes.
Is the sun about to go down? Yes...
I know, it's 3 pm. 
Sad, but I was super tired. 
I have worked and caught up with my twin Michelle last night, 
which was much much needed.
I think I needed this sleep though and my bed is super warm, which makes it even harder to go upstairs.
I wish I wasn't so lazy sometimes, haha.
I know, this isn't a wonderful post about whats going on in my, oh so, eventful life.
I'm in need of donut holes.

love love!


You are beautiful.. no matter what they say

And THEY. I'm talking Hollywood...
And I found this video that really struck me. 
Girls now a days are so self conscious about their body, 
including me.
And they don't realize in Hollywood, reality stars aren't. that. skinny.
They are photo-shopped, or air-brushed.
Thinned out in the legs, their stomach is toned up, their zits are covered. 
And that's not how they really look!
They are just like you and me. 
Nobody can be that skinny, or that flawless.
It just doesn't happen that way. 
God clearly says in Song of Solomon 4:7:
"You are all together beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you"
Jesus created us so BEAUTIFULLY. 
GOD! The MAKER of this Earth, made ME and YOU beautiful. 
This is crazy to me. 
He doesn't want you going around saying "Why am I not a size zero?!" "Can't I lose just ten more pounds?" 
Yes. you can do it. 
But stay healthy about it.
He doesn't want you to damage his holy temple, because you are beautiful to Him. 
No matter size 4 or size 14, he wants you to love yourself. 
Yeah, I have a hard time loving that I've gained thirty weight in the past two years, but I'm getting older, more mature. 
And I got these hips from my momma. ;)
So, just to remind you, God thinks you're beautiful. 
Love like Jesus does.
Have a great week!


It's the most wonderful time of the year.

It really IS the most wonderful time of the year!
I'm so excited about all the holiday festivities that are about to begin!
I just love being around family and food. I love food and family, :) 
HOPEFULLY this year we can take a little vacay down south to the bayou. 
hint hint mom and dad.
No really, someone call up my parentals and let them know what's up. I can ASSURE you they would love to hear from you. :) 
I was introduced to the lovely Zooey Deschanel Christmas album. 
annnnd... I would post some songs but my computer is being all wonky and won't let me listen to any songs on youtube. 
*sad face*
You know how everyone is all like "hey, pinterest brings out your creativity" 
well. they are right. I made some Roman Shades for my room and hung them up.
They are absolutely adorable.
When I find my camera cord, I will upload the pictures so you all can see for yourself!

 and just a little something to make you all smile!
Happy Saturday!



Let's play catch-up.
I am alive and well.... just don't have a computer around.
Ya'll, it's been fun around here.
I have to finish my ten days... One a day. I haven't blogged in TEN DAYS!
This is unacceptable.
But here goes nothing..

I have:
1] Hunger Games triology.

2] Something Borrowed!

3] Something Blue!

4] Heart of the Matter.

The last three are all by Kathy Giffin. Read them if you haven't.
 You can thank me later.


1] How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days

2] The Proposal

3] The Holiday


1] Crazy Girl- Eli Young Band

2] Wonderwall- Oasis


and there is the end of my ten days!
ALSO, I am getting another tattoo!
*enter excitement squeel*
I am so so so so pumped!
If ya'll didnt know, I have a tattoo on my foot!
Exhibit A:

Excuse the black on my feet! (just the ink)
Its for me and my two sisters!
*say awh in unison*
I know, I know. So sweet.
Now, my second tattoo of this....

I think either on the back of my neck, or my hip.
I can't decide but I DO know I am obsessed with this tattoo and have no doubts when I get it I will be in love with it, and thats all that matters.

I am pretty sure I had a heart attack. That game was absolutely amazing, no joke.
Yes, some ugly plays in hand, and I HATED over-time. It made me anxious, but they pulled out a W I N.
Thank you, Lord.
They are still undefeated in the SEC, and number 1.
I love my tigers!!

That's all for now though.
More to come tomorrow... I hope.

<3 peyt


Lets play catch up..

*With Caleb



*My cozy room,
more on that soon :)

*The lake


*Chicken burrito

*Soft pretzels.. add salt and mustard :)



*Anything with bacon.

I haven't blogged much and I haven't taken pictures.
We've had a very big change in my household..
but plus side, I redid my roooooom!
Blue and brown.
I love it.
I got a new comforter, painted my room and am now in the basement...
and not like the creepy basements you are scared of at your grandma's house, but a GOOD basement. with tiled floors, and concrete AWESOME walls, and a real wall..
and a curtain hahaha.
I will take pictures when everything is in it's place, but I'm. In. Love.
My daddy did soooo good.
I love my daddy.. and my momma.
But my dad just had surgery and still helped us.
He's such a trooper.

<3 peyt



Hello sweets,
loooordy mercy, I need to set a reminder in my phone to update this thing.
Okay, I missed two days.
so I am doing EIGHT fears and SEVEN wants today.
Let's goooooo,

[1] spiders. they are the worst thing EVERRRRR made. I love my Lord Jesus, and what he created, but I do NOT love those things!

[2] scary movies.. everything about them. HATE IT.

[3] heights. waaahhh, i'm not even gonna think about it.

[4] suffocation. I love breathing. I don't wanna suffocate.

[5] snakes, lizards. anything that can crawl and slither all over you... eww.

[6] being hurt by the people you most care about.

[7] being alone.

[8] drowning.


[1] to win the lottery.. hahahahah.. i wish

[2] pandora bracelet!

[3] a puppy. i want need one sooooo bad!
[4] a brown northface jacket!

[5] a vacation

[6] to be done painting my room! ha.

[7] for christmas to get here! less than 2 months!

 AND I found THIS on pinterest...
Disney in disney movies.
So, other disney characters are in different disney movies.
Just a little food for thought,
happy wednesday, yall.

<3 peyt


nine loves


[1] sunsets

[2] Caleb <3

[3] my family!

[4] pedi's

[5] the beach

[6] music

[7] my car

[8] sadly... facebook, hahah

[9] pinterest.

Today has been a good day. A good good day.
It's Monday.. when will Friday be here?

Have a good Monday, yall.



Ten day challenge

SO, since I haven't been blogging much, I figured 2 posts in one day wouldn't kill me.
I decided to do a "Ten Day YOU Challenge"
that means you can learn a little about me!
It's gonna go on for TEN days... duh.
First day- ten secrets
Second day- nine loves
Third day- eight fears
Fourth day- seven wants
Fifth day- six places
Sixth day- five foods
Seventh day- four books
Eighth day- three films
Ninth day- two songs
Tenth day- one picture

sooo, here we go.

[1] I eat the FAMILY SIZE size order of mashed potatoes from KFC... by myself.

 [2] The halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars terrified me. I had to sleep with the bathroom light on.

[3] I'm obsessed with Pinterest.
follow me here :)

[4] I can't cook worth anything.

[5] I won't go outside in the dark alone... But have to have my room pitch black.

[6] I don't understand ANY jokes anyone says, but I laugh anyways.

[7] I've never seen the movies Steel Magnolias.

[8] I like to listen to sappy love songs in my sweats when it's raining outside.

[9] I have to admit. I kinda like TN football, but will always be an LSU girl at heart.

[10] I love to bring home homeless animals.

  day one down.. nine to go.

Bad bloggin'

Ya'll.. why am I such a bad blogger?
I don't know, but I need to work on it.
I have been so busy lately with painting my room, working, working, working, painting.
I'm moving from upstairs to downstairs... I'm painting my room.....
and about those colors too..
It will be pretty & I'm excited to see the finished product.
I didn't snap any pictures, because, well, I'm a bad blogger.
But I will when it's done. I PROMISE!
Bare with me here, ladies.
I promise I will try and get better.

<3 peyt


"Boy ya got my heartbeat runnin' away!"

Hey ya'll. Sorry I've been MIA lately.
I have been a bad bloggy gal lately, and I apologize.
Cause ya know, you stalk my blog to read about my life and all. HA!
Here's what I've been doin' lately..
My life is boring.
SO, I sit here thinking.
"What in the world do I blog about to make these girls come back?!"
then I say to myself....
If you haven't watched her, do it now....
This. Is. Awesome. NO JOKE.
I'm obsessed with these little girls, and you will be too.
I don't know what it is, but I love themmmm!
And I just feel like Nicki loves these girls to death.
I mean, come on now, not many people drop EVERYTHING they're doing to go see an 8 year old sing her song. It happens all the time. People do covers all. the. time.
I have tons of respect for Nicki at this point.

Okay, enough with the rambles.
Go watch it.
okayyyy, love and hugs.


Sista, sista.

Hello from good 'ole Rocky Top.
Today has been a pretty fantastic day.
I got lunch and caught up with old friends I haven't seen in months and it was so nice to get out and about.
Then, I came to my sisters house and my younger sister was here too! 
We decided we need to do a photo shoot,
sooooo here goes nothing...
This is one of my favorites of me and Reagan!
and a favorite of me and Bethany!

That's not even half of them but these are some of my favorites! 
I love them both verrrry much and they are pretty fantastic sisters :)
Excuse my massive chin!
and it's crazy how much we all look alike but in different ways. 
Hope you all have a great Friday.

Cheers to the weekend.
love, sun, and sisters:


hey yall

i just want to thank all of yall who are following me, and for the future followers in the days to come (i hope) guys have been so awesome with the encouragement and i just wanted to take time to tell yall thank you. im on my cellular device, so please excuse the lack of commas, exclamation points, and capital letters. and lack of smiley faces, please know that i am happy. boooooo, i hate these lack of exclamation points, but anyways ladies, you guys rock (insert exclamation point and smile here) ..thanks so much


Im so soooorry.

Guys, I've been such a bad blogger lately.
I'm sorry!
I've not had my computer with me.
shocking, i know.
Calebs sweet little sister came into town this weekend, so Caleb and I spent some time with her.
I didn't get any pictures.
shame on me.
I told you I've been a bad blogger lately.
I've worked this weekend too.
Funnnnn, right?! Right.
It's been gorgeous this past weekend. So pretty.
That has nothing to do with this post but I thought I would let you know.

I'm seriously such a proud aunt. I felt baby A move in my sisters stomach a couple days ago.
It just amazes me how a little human grows in your stomach, I'm crazy, I know.
I hear spoiled calling little Aarons name, but he's going to be so worth it.
I love him already!!

love, work and apologies:


The results are in!

Hello lovies,
As you all know on Tuesday I got on here so excited to tell you what my precious niece/nephew would be.
Well the results are in!
i'm having a nephew!!!
I don't think I've ever jumped up and down so much in my life.
I danced, I screamed, I hugged and then I remembered....
"I need to go clothes shopping!"
and that's exactly what I did.
Here's what I got sweet baby A.

Outfit 1:
Notice the second in command.
Outfit 2:

and back
 This is going to be perfect for football season, and it's a 6 month.
Which is September, which means football.
I timed that right :)

Outfit 3:
Nick plays the drums.
So I thought this fit perfect.
Go over to baby mama's blog here! 
Her name is Bethany!
Let her know you stopped by!
She has blogged all about this little adventure and her new life thats about to begin!

I'm just so excited to spoil this little baby,
and by the way, he's ALREADY spoiled.
Aaron Smith Rodgers will be the best nephew in the whole world!
I love him already.

love, babies, and excitement:


Baby, let's goooo.

This is the face of an excited aunt to be!
While my sister is in the room getting her ultrasound down to find out what they are having, I'm at home blogging to you guys!
You will soon be bombarded with excitement when I get back to my laptop with the great news of what my precious little niece/nephew will be.

an overly excited aunt:


Beautiful angel..

Today Jesus took a beautiful angel up to heaven.
Bessie was one of the sweetest, most loving woman I have ever met.
Mother of 2 and a wife, she loved everyone around her.
It was my aunts sister in law (somewhat relation?)
All I know is my family (my aunt and her husband) and their family need your prayers.
She was taken at a young 32 years old.
Isn't she beautiful?
She will be loved and missed by so many.
She was a teacher, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a child of God.
This is a blessing in disguise.
She has been fighting cancer for nearly a year now.
God knows what he is doing and she is now walking the streets of Heaven.
Most of all, she isn't hurting anymore.

This song reminds me of her.
Why did she have to go
So young I just don't know why
Things happen half the time
Without reason without rhyme
Lovely, sweet young woman
Daughter, wife and mother
Makes no sense to me
I just have to believe

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me

Loved ones she left behind
Just trying to survive
And understand the why
Feeling so lost inside
Anger shot straight at God
Then asking for His love
Empty with disbelief
Just hoping that maybe

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me

It's hard to say goodbye
Her picture in my mind
Will always be of times I'll cherish
And I won't cry 'cause

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels
By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees
And she walks with jesus and her loved ones waiting
And I know she's smiling saying
Don't worry 'bout me
Don't worry 'bout me
Don`t worry 'bout me

I'm sorry for such a depressing post, but I wanted to talk about it with you all.
She's always in our mind.
<3 peyt



This time of year is my absolute favorite time of year. I can't believe it's already October!
Where has this year gone?!
I remember ringing in the new year with the boy and some of the best people in Cookeville.
Can you say fun?
Because it was!
But now we're almost ringing in 2012.
Okay, I'm getting way off topic.
I'm here to tell you why I LOVE Fall!

Is this not one of the cutest outfits EVER?! Yeah, I loves it.

And I love this! I like all the colors together, and if I wore scarves I would definitely wear this one! 

2. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS for everyone!
I am simple. It really doesn't take much to make me happy.
I love these little numbers, even the blue ones. Suprising. I'm not a very bright person, per se.
But I love those.


Look at these precious decorations! I so wish I owned my own house so I could do this to the front porch.
I'm obsessed.

And these little jack'o'lanterns.
I always say I'm going to carve a pumpkin and this year I am going to do it.
and I will document every gross moment of it!

And this little tree! You put up all the reasons your thankful for on the branches. 
Such a sweet idea.

and last but not least....
*pause for dramatic effect*

Yes, I said it.
And you wanna know what?
DESSERTS is STRESSED spelled backwards, so indulge in all the deliciousness of desserts.
It doesn't hurt nothing, except maybe the scale.

Look at these yummy looking things? Wouldn't they be precious to take to Thanksgiving dinner?
I'd enjoy them ;)

Two bundt cakes+orange frosting= a pumpkin cake!
I can't bake but I WILL make this to impress my familia :)

Seriously ladies, I'm obsessed with fall. Not only do I gain ten pounds, look cute, and have precious decorations but the weather is AMAZING. 50-55 degree weather with a cute sweater and some boots.
NOTHING will bring me down..
Except maybe rain.... so it better not rain!
all the pictures above came from pinterest!
if you have one, follow me here!

But it feels good to lay down after a long day at work in sweats and a tshirt with your hair up.
Yeahhh. I be lookin' fly ;)
Dont judge! Long day and I'm here to be as honest as I can :)

hope you ladies had a lovely day full of football, friends and fun.

love, fall and october:



So, just like every other day. I come over to my computer, open it up, and come to tell you guys about my day. I open up a fresh post, and I have nothing.
Really? It's me. I TALK ALL THE TIME.
Why can I not come up with anything?
I just started this thing. I'm not ready to have any blog funk yet.
See, my life isn't that interesting, to say the least.
I come home, eat, go to sleep, wake up, go to work, see Caleb.
That's my day.
Please don't judge me.
Instead of writing something lame like "nothing going on today... soooo bored"
I've come up with SOMETHING to post.
If it's cool enough for this bloggy worlds standards.
but really.
I'm so excited for Christmas. It's OCTOBER. I shouldn't be thinking about Christmas.
Oh but I am.
Here's a wishlist I want, and feel free to send them ;)
Here is the lovely list:
A brown northface jacket.
A pandora bracelet
Awesome wishlist, right? Yeah. I thought so.
I'm so lame.
Like, who only wants a brown northface and a bracelet.

This girl.
Excuse my lack of makeup, messy hair, and pale skin.
Someone needs to put themselves together.
But really. That's about all I want this year.
Whatever you'd like to send, go for it.
HAHAH, kidding.
thanks for listening to be rant.
Maybe tomorrow I will have a much better post in store for you.

love, messy hair, and rants:


Peyton, paydays, and thursdays

So.. since I really just jumped on the bandwagon and never really told you about myself, let me do that now!
I'm Peyton! This is me...

I'm a young girl just living this life that God has blessed me with.
and I have been with this boy 25 months today,

As you can tell he doesn't like pictures! He hates them! But don't worry, I'll make sure to take some so you guys can know a little about us!
God has put him in my life for a reason, and I thank God for him everyday. I loves him so much!
Then there's my best friend,

This is Molly. She's always been there for me no matter what and even though I worry ALL. THE. TIME, she evens me out and calms me down.
She's the best, best friend anyone can ask for!
I have two sisters, Bethany and Reagan,

This is Bethany, the precious momma to be.
And this is Reagan, we're only thirteen months apart.
she's the baby of the family.
 I'm sure you will be hearing alot about them! Especially since Bethany is going through her first pregnancy! And then there is my brother in law, Nick!

HAHAHAHAH, yeah, it's okay to laugh out loud, I did.
He loves this picture and would not let me put any other picture on!
But aren't him and Bethany presh!?

They are going to make the most precious little baby that has ever been popped out in the whole world :)
  Clearly Im a little bit excited! 5 more days till we know what that little lovebug is and I will go BROKE! Let me tell you again... B R O K E
Yes, it is true. But I won't be able to contain my excitement, I hope it's a girl so I can bling out that baby ;)
anyways, it's a gorgeous day outside! and it's payday and payday makes everything better!
PLUS it's thursday, and that means we're one day closer to FRIDAY!
Everytime I hear Friday, I start singing the Rebecca Black song, let's be serious... I don't want her song stuck in my head all day! That would make for one annoying day..
love, laughs, and payday:

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