
Meet me.

Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by :)
First off, this is me!

I'm in college and I started this thing to post all my random thoughts.
A little about me:
I was born and raised in the good 'ole south. I love the south and everything about it. People are so nice and open up their homes to you in need. Yeah, cliche', I know. But it's true! 
I live in a town that people claim to hate, but they never leave. We have about 60,000 people in this town. It's right in the middle of Nashville and Knoxville. So, it's small. I love everything about this town, yet I hate it at the same time.
In 2009, I met Caleb, my boyfriend. He's my best friend. We fight and argue just like every other couple does, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.
I graduated highschool the winter of 2010. I couldn't wait to get out of that place. Like most people, I started college right away, but sometimes I wish I could go back to the simplicity of highschool.
I haven't worked much on this blog, but I plan to change that. 
I can't wait to meet all these wonderful people through this. 
Bare with me, it's gonna be fun.

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