


With Thanksgiving coming up I've decided to dedicate a blog with what I am thankful for this season.
I am thankful for... 
  • Wonderful parents who love and support me and put food on the table and a roof over my head. 
  • A boyfriend who is my best friend, companion and my go-to guy when things get rough.
  • A best friend who knows absolutely everything about me and still doesn't judge.
  • Two beautiful sisters and a brother-in-law who keep me encouraged on the daily.
  • My job. Sometimes that place can stress me out but I'm glad I have a job.
  • My sweet little fur babies. They listen and THANK GOD they can't talk ;) hahaha kidding.
  • A CAR. Hahah, where would I be without that thing?!
The last one may seem a bit shallow, but for realllll, cars are something to be thankful for! 
You need something to get you from point A to point B. and sometimes C if you need to go there, :)
Hope you guys had a good weekend, <3



Catchin' up on Zzz's..

So, this morning I get a text from my sweet sister, Bethany, saying...
"I'll be there soon, and when Reagan wakes up we are making puppy chow and donut holes!" 
Yuuuummm.... but have I gone up there yet? No. 
Do I want all these sweet treats? Yes.
Is the sun about to go down? Yes...
I know, it's 3 pm. 
Sad, but I was super tired. 
I have worked and caught up with my twin Michelle last night, 
which was much much needed.
I think I needed this sleep though and my bed is super warm, which makes it even harder to go upstairs.
I wish I wasn't so lazy sometimes, haha.
I know, this isn't a wonderful post about whats going on in my, oh so, eventful life.
I'm in need of donut holes.

love love!


You are beautiful.. no matter what they say

And THEY. I'm talking Hollywood...
And I found this video that really struck me. 
Girls now a days are so self conscious about their body, 
including me.
And they don't realize in Hollywood, reality stars aren't. that. skinny.
They are photo-shopped, or air-brushed.
Thinned out in the legs, their stomach is toned up, their zits are covered. 
And that's not how they really look!
They are just like you and me. 
Nobody can be that skinny, or that flawless.
It just doesn't happen that way. 
God clearly says in Song of Solomon 4:7:
"You are all together beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you"
Jesus created us so BEAUTIFULLY. 
GOD! The MAKER of this Earth, made ME and YOU beautiful. 
This is crazy to me. 
He doesn't want you going around saying "Why am I not a size zero?!" "Can't I lose just ten more pounds?" 
Yes. you can do it. 
But stay healthy about it.
He doesn't want you to damage his holy temple, because you are beautiful to Him. 
No matter size 4 or size 14, he wants you to love yourself. 
Yeah, I have a hard time loving that I've gained thirty weight in the past two years, but I'm getting older, more mature. 
And I got these hips from my momma. ;)
So, just to remind you, God thinks you're beautiful. 
Love like Jesus does.
Have a great week!


It's the most wonderful time of the year.

It really IS the most wonderful time of the year!
I'm so excited about all the holiday festivities that are about to begin!
I just love being around family and food. I love food and family, :) 
HOPEFULLY this year we can take a little vacay down south to the bayou. 
hint hint mom and dad.
No really, someone call up my parentals and let them know what's up. I can ASSURE you they would love to hear from you. :) 
I was introduced to the lovely Zooey Deschanel Christmas album. 
annnnd... I would post some songs but my computer is being all wonky and won't let me listen to any songs on youtube. 
*sad face*
You know how everyone is all like "hey, pinterest brings out your creativity" 
well. they are right. I made some Roman Shades for my room and hung them up.
They are absolutely adorable.
When I find my camera cord, I will upload the pictures so you all can see for yourself!

 and just a little something to make you all smile!
Happy Saturday!



Let's play catch-up.
I am alive and well.... just don't have a computer around.
Ya'll, it's been fun around here.
I have to finish my ten days... One a day. I haven't blogged in TEN DAYS!
This is unacceptable.
But here goes nothing..

I have:
1] Hunger Games triology.

2] Something Borrowed!

3] Something Blue!

4] Heart of the Matter.

The last three are all by Kathy Giffin. Read them if you haven't.
 You can thank me later.


1] How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days

2] The Proposal

3] The Holiday


1] Crazy Girl- Eli Young Band

2] Wonderwall- Oasis


and there is the end of my ten days!
ALSO, I am getting another tattoo!
*enter excitement squeel*
I am so so so so pumped!
If ya'll didnt know, I have a tattoo on my foot!
Exhibit A:

Excuse the black on my feet! (just the ink)
Its for me and my two sisters!
*say awh in unison*
I know, I know. So sweet.
Now, my second tattoo of this....

I think either on the back of my neck, or my hip.
I can't decide but I DO know I am obsessed with this tattoo and have no doubts when I get it I will be in love with it, and thats all that matters.

I am pretty sure I had a heart attack. That game was absolutely amazing, no joke.
Yes, some ugly plays in hand, and I HATED over-time. It made me anxious, but they pulled out a W I N.
Thank you, Lord.
They are still undefeated in the SEC, and number 1.
I love my tigers!!

That's all for now though.
More to come tomorrow... I hope.

<3 peyt


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