

You are beautiful.. no matter what they say

And THEY. I'm talking Hollywood...
And I found this video that really struck me. 
Girls now a days are so self conscious about their body, 
including me.
And they don't realize in Hollywood, reality stars aren't. that. skinny.
They are photo-shopped, or air-brushed.
Thinned out in the legs, their stomach is toned up, their zits are covered. 
And that's not how they really look!
They are just like you and me. 
Nobody can be that skinny, or that flawless.
It just doesn't happen that way. 
God clearly says in Song of Solomon 4:7:
"You are all together beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you"
Jesus created us so BEAUTIFULLY. 
GOD! The MAKER of this Earth, made ME and YOU beautiful. 
This is crazy to me. 
He doesn't want you going around saying "Why am I not a size zero?!" "Can't I lose just ten more pounds?" 
Yes. you can do it. 
But stay healthy about it.
He doesn't want you to damage his holy temple, because you are beautiful to Him. 
No matter size 4 or size 14, he wants you to love yourself. 
Yeah, I have a hard time loving that I've gained thirty weight in the past two years, but I'm getting older, more mature. 
And I got these hips from my momma. ;)
So, just to remind you, God thinks you're beautiful. 
Love like Jesus does.
Have a great week!



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